4 Home Remodeling Resolutions for 2019

We’ve officially started a new year, and January is the most popular month to make resolutions. Typically, these involve personal or professional goals, but you can also make home remodeling resolutions for your home projects this year! This can help you start to plan if you’d like to renovate your kitchen, update a bathroom, or make over another room in your home.

Create a Budget

If you know that this is the year you’d like to complete that home addition, basement remodel, or that kitchen transformation, you’ll need a way to pay for it. If you start planning now, you can create a budget that allows you to save up some money. You may be able to pay for the whole project out of pocket, or if you do need to finance, you won’t have to take out as large of a loan. Saving for your home remodeling project is a smart resolution!

Make Your Home Inviting

Living room with light blue walls and TV mounted over fireplace

Many people make resolutions to spend more time with loved ones. But if your house isn’t what you’d like it be, you might not be keen on inviting anyone over. This is a great time to resolve to update your home’s design. This can mean little touches throughout the home, or it might be a bigger project in the kitchen, living room, or bathroom. Think about color, texture, and function to create a space that works for you and makes you proud to show it off.

Get Organized

Another popular New Year’s resolution is to get more organized or be more tidy. You can resolve to make your home tidier as well. Take an inventory of all the items you have in rooms like the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and even the hall closets. Get rid of or donate any items you don’t need and neatly put away the remaining items. If your current storage situation doesn’t work, resolve to speak to a design and build team about remodeling plans for more storage.

Be More Energy Efficient

Depending on when your home was built, you may be spending more money on electricity than you need to. There are many ways to make your home more energy efficient. This could include installing new Energy Star appliances in your kitchen, upgrading your thermostat, or including new windows in a bedroom renovation.

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